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essensys Platform - OperationsHow do I monitor and manage the system in operation? | Reports | Support | Billing | Products and Pricebooks | Tasks
essensys Platform - Operations - ReportsHow do I create a report that lets me analyze service usage across my occupier sites? | Wi-Fi Reports | Services Reports
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Wi-Fi Secure roaming reportHow many users connect to Wi-Fi Secure network at sites other than their homesite? | Roaming | Occupier users | Account team members |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Count of Wi-Fi UsersHow many users are connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure network at my sites? | Occupier user | Account team member | Count
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Secure Wi-Fi overviewHow do I view a summary of connections to the Wi-Fi Secure network? | Users | Wi-Fi Secure | Occupier users, Account team members, Roaming |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Secure Wi-Fi detailHow do I view details of connections to the Wi-Fi Secure network? | Secure Wi-Fi | bandwidth, time online | Detail | Download | CSV
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Guest Wi-Fi overviewHow do I report on the devices connecting to the Wi-Fi Guest network at my sites? | Wi-Fi Guest | bandwidth, time online | Summary
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Guest Wi-Fi detailHow do I view details of connections to the Wi-Fi Guest network? | Guest Wi-Fi | MAC, bandwidth, time online | Detail | Download | CSV
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Wi-Fi heatmapHow can I monitor the patterns of use on the Wi-Fi Secure network across my sites? | Heatmap | Patterns of use | Wi-Fi Secure |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Active servicesHow do I report on the currently active services at my sites? | Infrastructure | Pricebook | Sites
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage summaryHow do I analyse the bandwidth usage at my sites? | Upload | Download | Summary | Total
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage by clientHow do I monitor shared pipe use by clients? | How do I know if a shared pipe is over-utilized? | Occupier or operator use | Shared pipes |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage by applicationHow do I know which of an occupier's applications are using the most bandwidth? | Application | Protocol |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage by IP addressHow do I know which devices are consuming most bandwidth? | Public IP | IP address | occupier
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Service statusHow do I view the real-time network status across multiple sites? | How do I view the primary and backup circuit health at each site? |
essensys Platform - Operations - BillingHow do I create billing reports that reflect the call charges for occupiers or operators at my sites? | Billing services | Occupier summary
essensys Platform - Operations - Support CasesHow do I create and monitor support cases in the platform? | Support | Issues / Cases | Operations
essensys Platform - Operations - Monitoring TasksHow do I monitor the tasks being processed by the system? | Service activation | Switch management | Telephony | Tasks | Raise a case
essensys Platform - Operations - View Infrastructure PricebooksHow do I view the infrastructure pricebook details? | Service Prices | Public IP, Bandwidth, Voice, and Other Service Prices |