Assign your doors to the site, floor, or space that they provide direct, physical, access to. These doors are called direct doors, since they are used to directly enter the space. Each direct door should be assigned to exactly one space, but each space can have multiple direct doors.
Info: The names of the direct doors and of the spaces are both defined by you, apart from the Floor. The space "Floor" appears on every floor and its direct door may be the main door for a single office space on that floor, the elevator door that gives access to the floor, or both.
Assign doors to spaces
Important: Doors are loaded into the system by essensys partners on your behalf. If you need to add access control to additional or different doors, contact us.
Before you begin
You must have created your spaces in the essensys Platform before you can assign entrance doors to them. For details, see Space management.
Accessing the Doors page
Click Smart Access in the main menu.
The Smart Access page opens.Click the name of your Site.
By default, the Doors page is open, showing the list of card readers at your site. For details, see Doors (list view).
Assign your doors to your spaces
Note: This is a drag and drop process where you drag an unassigned or mis-assigned door to the correct site, floor, or space.
From the Doors page:
Click Assign doors from the top-right of the page.
The Assign doors dialog box opens.Assign Direct doors to their spaces:
Assign your main entrance door to your site:
From the left-hand panel, select Site.
Drag the door that represents your main entrance from the Unassigned doors list (right) and drop it into the Doors column in the center of the page.
Assign doors to each of the spaces on each of your floors:
From the left-hand panel, select a floor.
The floor that you have selected is highlighted, and the center panel is updated with details of the spaces on that floor.Drag a door that represents the entrance to one of your spaces from the Unassigned doors list (right) and drop it into the Doors column alongside the space it is the entrance for.
Repeat as required.
Once you are happy that all of your direct doors are assigned to their spaces, click Assign.
The door / space assignment is created and the dialog box closes.
Assign doors
Field | Description |
| The column on the far-left describes the site and each of the floors at the site. Selecting an option in this column updates the center column to show the spaces associated with the selected option. |
| The column in the center of the dialog box shows spaces on the selected floor.
Each table is split into two columns:
Unassigned doors | The unassigned doors list shows all of the doors at the site that have not yet been assigned to spaces. Tips: