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essensys Platform - Smart Access - Groups

How do I create a group that maps users and doors for Smart Access? | User Access | Smart Access | Open Doors | Site Access

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 2 years ago

A group mediates access to different spaces by different users. It defines:

  • A group of doors. For example, the standard doors that you want everyone at your site to have access to.

  • A set of users who should have access to those doors.

Create groups and add doors and users

From the Groups page, you can:

  • Add a group with doors and users.

  • Edit a group to add or remove users or doors.

  • Activate groups to enable Smart Access for associated users.

  • View the group log.

Before you begin

If you have the Smart Access module, you can create a group at any time after your doors have been installed at your site and added to the essensys Platform.

Accessing the Groups page

  1. Click Smart Access in the main menu.
    The Smart Access page opens.

  2. Click the name of your Site.

  3. Click the Groups tab.
    The Groups page opens, showing details of the groups that currently exist at your selected site.

Create a group and add doors and users

From the Groups page:

  1. Click Add a group from the top of the list of groups.
    The Add a group dialog box opens. You can specify basic details for your group, associate that group with a set of doors and users, and activate the group ready for use.

  2. Specify the basic details for your group.
    This needs to include your group name. Make sure the name is meaningful to the users who will be responsible for assigning users to groups.

  3. Add doors to the group.
    Moving doors into the right-hand Selected doors panel includes them in the group. Users that are also in the group (selected later) are granted access to this set of selected doors.

  4. Click Next.
    The Users page opens.

  5. Assign users to your group.
    Moving users into the right-hand Selected users panel includes them in the group.
    This grants access to the doors that were selected in the preceding page to all of these users.

  6. Once you are happy that your group is correctly configured, click Save and close.
    The group is created and the dialog box closes.

If the group is activated, and the users are activated on Smart Access, the users are granted access to the doors described by their groups.

What next?

Users are likely to be added to groups on an ongoing basis. For example, an occupier admin (your office manager or HR administrator) may create a new occupier user whenever a new staff member is hired.

Each new user will need to be activated on Smart Access, associated with appropriate groups (providing them with access to the correct spaces), and will need to either be assigned a access card (card ID) or have the white-labeled mobile app.

For more information about users, see:

  • Add an occupier user with Smart Access.

  • Add an Access user. This is a user who is only granted access to spaces, and is not an occupier user or account team member.

  • Add an operator team member with Smart Access.

Groups (list view)




  • Search

  • <list>

The sites that your groups may apply to. You can search this list by site name.


  • Search

  • Filter

  • Add a group

  • <list>

The groups that exist at the selected site.

  • You can search this list by group name.

  • You can filter this list to show only Active or only Inactive groups.

  • Click Add a group to open the wizard and create a new group. See Add a group.


  • Name

  • Group log

  • Edit group

  • Delete group

The name of the group, and options for:

  • Viewing the logs associated with this group.

  • Editing the group details.

  • Deleting the group.


  • Name

  • Status

The basic details for the selected group.

Groups can be active or inactive.


  • Search

  • <list>

The doors that are currently associated with the group.


  • Search

  • <operator name>

  • Access users

  • <occupier name>

The users list tells you which users have access to the listed doors given the activation of this group.

The list is split by types of user: operator team members, access users, and occupier users.

You can link through from the individual user name to the details page for that user.

Add a group

Group details



Group name

Identifies the group.

Make sure your group name is meaningful to the users who will be responsible for assigning access to your users on an ongoing basis.

Activate group

Toggle this option to activate the group (set the group into the active state).

An active group grants its users access to its doors. A user must also be activated on Smart Access to be able to open doors with their access device or mobile app.

Group description

Add a text description for the group.

Add doors

  • Search doors

  • Select all

  • <door name>

Moving doors into the right-hand Selected doors panel includes them in the group. This grants access to the selected doors to all of the users in the group.

  • To filter the list of available doors, type some text into the Search doors field.

  • To add individual doors to the group, click the arrow icon to the right of the door name.

  • To add all of the doors that are currently visible in the left-hand panel, click Select all.
    Note: This option selects all doors if the list is unfiltered, or, if the list is filtered (search doors), all of the doors that match the filter.

Selected doors

Users in this group will be granted access to the doors in this panel once the group is created.

  • To remove doors from the group, click remove selected doors.




All users

  • <operator name>

  • Access users

  • <occupier name>

The organizations that include your users. Select an option to show the available users from the selected organization in the center column:

  • To view operator team members, select the operator name.

  • To view access users, select Access users.

  • To view the users associated with a particular occupier, select the occupier name.
    Note: The list of occupiers is alphabetical.

In each case, the Available users column is updated with the users associated with your selection.

Available users

  • All users

  • Search users

  • <user name>

The users associated with your selected organization. Moving users from this column into the right-hand Selected users column includes them in the group.

  • To filter the list of available users, type some text into the Search users field.

  • To add individual users to the group, click the arrow icon to the right of the user name.

  • To add all of the users that are currently visible in the left-hand panel, click Select all.
    Note: This option selects all users if the list is unfiltered, or, if the list is filtered (search users), all of the users that match the filter.

Selected users

The users in this column are granted access to the doors in the group once the group is created.

  • To remove users from the group, click remove selected users.

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