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Enterprise Reporting - WiFi

Enterprise l Wi-Fi Analytics, Site-Based Reporting

Alex Taylor avatar
Written by Alex Taylor
Updated over a week ago

Connect offers advanced Wi-Fi reporting capabilities including 6 Wi-Fi reports that give you greater visibility of data across your entire workspace portfolio. 

These reports give you the ability to make important data-driven business decisions across multiple sites based on Wi-Fi services consumption.

Enterprise reporting gives operators access to insights across their business to identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, tailor compelling propositions, and improve both service performance and member experience based on actual usage trends and data. Please note these reports are only available for sites that are on Ruckus.

This article covers:

Wi-Fi Secure Report

This report we can view the amount of users connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure at your location you can also view detailed information of the Users connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure

Here we can see an overview of the Users Connected Now and also the Daily Total Users Connected. The report can be changed to show Day, Week and Month format of your choosing, you can also see a Detail report within this report you can see the users which are connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure and also the Wireless Access Point or WAP they are connecting to along with their MAC address of their device.

You can also select which site and location you wish to view,

You can also view the Top 5 Devices connecting to your Wi-Fi Secure,

You can also see the Top 5 Devices connecting to the Guest Wi-Fi by Days online, this will show the Name they are entering their Device Type Day(s) connected and also the MAC address of the device.

You can also view the Top 5 Users by Bandwidth connecting to Wi-Fi Secure,

Wi-Fi Guest Report

This report we can see the Contacts which are connecting to your Wi-Fi Guest, you can see the amount of devices which are connecting, on the Detailed you can view the details they added to the Wi-Fi Guest when connecting.

You can also see the Top 5 Devices connecting to the Guest Wi-Fi by Days online, this will show the Name they are entering their Device Type Day(s) connected and also the MAC address of the device.

You can also view Top 5 Devices Connected by Time Online/Duration,

And Top 5 Devices by Bandwidth,

Wi-Fi Secure Roaming

Wi-Fi Secure users that have visited multiple sites

A report that provides a view of all Wi-Fi secure users that have visited multiple sites to understand usage trends across your portfolio, identify up-sell opportunities and offer added-value by way of promotions and discounts.

You will find a list view of your individual users who visit sites other than their home site (it will only show sites from the same Operator). This report displays:

  • Username: Who visited the site

  • Client: Which client did they belong to

  • Home Site: The individual’s home site

  • Visited Site: The site visited

  • Days: How many days where they are online at the visited site

You can filter the report by:

  • Home Site: Only display users with a specific home site

  • Visited Site: Only display visits to a specific site

  • Date: The dates in which visits occurred

  • Users: The user type which made a visit (member/staff)

  • Duration: This time filter allows you to set a minimum/maximum duration of visit. This allows you to see people who actually visit the site rather than those who just walk past and connect to the Wi-Fi

This report can be exported in CSV format.

Site Roaming Relationships

Which sites are commonly visited together

Now you can see which of your sites are commonly visited together so you can create multi-site tenancy packages and target existing clients for up sell opportunities across your portfolio. 

This is a graph which shows how commonly sites are visited when compared against the user’s home site, an alternate view of Wi-Fi Secure Roamers. This report comes in the form of a Sankey diagram showing how many Wi-Fi Secure users connect to a site compared against their home site, home site on the left, visited site on the right. This can help you create multi-site tenancy packages and target existing clients roaming to upsell an office at a second location.

You can filter the report by:

  • Date: The dates in which visits occurred

  • Users: The user type which made a visit (member/staff)

  • Duration: This time filter allows you to set a minimum/maximum duration of visit. This allows you to see people who actually visit the site rather than those who just walk past and connect to the Wi-Fi.

  • Number of Visitors: You can also set a lower limit to exclude results with less than a specific number of visitors

This report can be exported in the following formats; PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG vector image.

Total Wi-Fi Secure Users

How many Wi-Fi Secure users are enabled over time

Now you can report on how many users have Wi-Fi enabled at each of your locations to gain better insight about your infrastructure and improve service performance and user experience.Identify up-sell opportunities to migrate wired users to Wi-Fi.

This report comes in the form of a line graph displaying how many users have Wi-Fi enabled across all of your sites allowing you to track how many total users you have over time.

You can filter this report by:

  • Site: All of your sites will be listed, you can choose which ones to display on the graph

  • Date: The dates which you would like to see the enabled user count

This report can be exported in the following formats; PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG vector image.

Access Point Utilization

Average number of users connected to each access point

This report shows the average number of users connected to each access point so you can track user movement across your space, understand usage trends, optimize your workspace offering, and tailor the number of access points based on actual usage.

This report measures how many unique users (devices) connect to each access point throughout the day and displays the average in a stacked area graph, giving you an insight into space utilisation and movement. 

At the bottom of the page you will find the access points listed, here you can decide whether to display them in the graph.

By hovering over the graph, you can see, on average, how many users have been connected to that access pointed during that time slot.

The date filter allows you to choose specific dates. For example, if you set the date to ‘January’ the graph will then display the average number of users connect to access points on a typical day in January.

This report can be exported in the following formats; PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG vector image.

Device Types

What devices are connecting to your Wi-Fi networks by manufacturer

You can now see which devices by type and manufacturer are connecting to your Wi-Fi network so you can tailor your infrastructure, products and services offering based on this data. 

Displays the manufacturer of all devices connected via Wi-Fi along with the number of devices connected in the form of a Pie Chart.

You are able to filter by:

  • Site: The site which these devices are connected to the Wi-Fi

  • Date: The period which devices are connected

  • Device: You are able to toggle the devices on or off

  • Client: You are able to filter by client

This report can be exported in the following formats; PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG vector image.

Total Wireless Data Transfer

Total bandwidth used per user on the Wi-Fi network

This report shows the total bandwidth consumed by your customers on Wi-Fi networks across your entire portfolio so you can identify heavy bandwidth users, up-sell opportunities, and enforce fair usage policy.

This Bar Chart will display the total bandwidth usage for each user. By hovering over each bar you can see the user’s bandwidth usage in gigabytes.

You can filter this by:

  • Site: All of your sites will be listed, you can choose which ones to display on the graph

  • Client: You can choose to only display users from a specific client

  • Date: Display data within specific dates

  • Usage Type: You are able to see the usage for both download and upload

This report can be exported in the following formats; PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG vector image.

Note that we hold our Wi-Fi Reporting information for 2 months.

Count of Wi-Fi Users at All Sites

Please note this report is only available to Enterprise Customers.

This report will show you how many Wi-Fi Secure Users you have connected across all your locations,

Within this graph we can see the Users Connect now, and the Users Connect within the Time Period and the Average of these two Numbers.

You can also change the Day and Month and Exclude the Weekend of this Data

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