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Scheduling an Operate Report

Send Reports to relevant people on a scheduled basis

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

Report scheduling allows you to send particular reports of interest to relevant staff members, on a regular basis. This makes it possible to provide some data to people who might not necessarily have access to the Reports module in Operate. 

Other report outputs are limited to 10.000 lines; but scheduling a report will allow you to get the full data if there is more than that.

Configuring a Scheduled Report

To Schedule a report, you first need to create it. Please see the knowledgebase section for guides on building your reports.

Once your report is created, you can access it by going to Reports, then clicking on its Report name to open the view mode.

Here is where you can click the Schedule button on the top right of the builder.

Here are the options you can use within the report scheduler:

  • Repeated - Choose between: Once only, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. 

  • When - Type the date/time into the field or use the Calendar tool that pops up to select it. Click on the clock icon underneath the Calendar to select the time

  • Send to - Allows you to select the method through which you would like to send the report. You can select between sending via email or to the AWS S3 Bucket or Microsoft Azure Storage Blob.

  • Include - Select to send the report in one or all of the following formats: Excel (Printable View)  CSV  and PDF. Tick the box next to the format you want in order to select it.  

  • Send report to - Lets you select the Operate users who should receive your report. Click on the dropdown and scroll or search for a user's name. Click on the name once you find it, so that the user is added to the recipients list. Once added, their name will appear similarly to a button, on a dark blue background. Repeat the steps for as many users as you need. 

  • If you change your mind and you would like to delete a recipient, simply click the 'x' icon next to their name. 

  • If you are ready to schedule your report, click the Schedule button at the bottom. Otherwise click Cancel at the top right. 

Once you have scheduled your report, there will be an entry created onto your report's scheduling page. You can schedule again and all of your instances will be listed as shown below.  

Viewing a List of Scheduled Reports

If you would like to view a list of all your scheduled reports, you can do so by clicking the Scheduled Reports button, at the top of the Reports section in Operate.

Here is where you will see a list of all your scheduled reports. 

This area gives you the following options

  • Filter by user using the dropdown at the top right. 

  • Edit the list or create new list views, just as you would do anywhere else in Operate. The list editing mode also lets you select what columns to display. Please see List Views in essensys Operate for further information on this option. 

  • Delete schedules either one by one by clicking the red 'x' icon next to it; or multiple items at once, by ticking the box and pressing Delete. You will be asked to confirm your choice.

  • View schedule details by clicking on its name in the list. This will take you to a details page. You can return to the main list by going back in your browser or by clicking Back to list.

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