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Operate - Leads Overview

General Information about the essensys Operate Leads Module

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

What is a lead?

A lead is an unqualified enquiry from a person or a company who is interested in your products or services.

Leads originate from various sources, for example telephone enquiries, email enquiries, website enquiries, brokers.

It s important that you capture all leads in one place so that you can effectively manage making contact to qualify the inquiry.

Leads are found under Sales > Leads.

How do Leads Get into Operate?

There are a couple of ways that a lead can be created:

  1. Manually - You can create leads manually for phone inquiries, walk-ins etc by going to Leads and clicking on the New button.

  2. Web to Lead - You can also receive leads directly from your website using the Web to Lead functionality within Operate.

  3. LeadDADI - You can connect Operate to your LeadDADI account and automatically receive leads from a wide variety of brokers available via the LeadDADI platform.

How to Respond to Leads Quickly and Efficiently?

  1. Auto Assignment - if you have a large Sales Team that handle different types of enquiries or for different locations, you can set up Auto Assignment Rules to ensure the lead is immediately assigned to the correct person and that they are notified.

  2. Auto-Response - Set up Auto-Responses for your website enquires so the enquirer receives an instant response. (This requires you to set up Web to Lead and to enable the Auto Response feature so the enquirer receives an instant response.)

How to Customize Operate’s Lead Module?

Operate’s Lead module comes with a variety of customization options: You can set your own page layouts, customize fields or record types; to make the module even more suitable or our needs.

The Lead Management Process within Operate - Best Practices

The lead management process within Operate occurs in the following approximate order:

Step 1 - Create or Update your Lead

You can create your leads manually within Operate and update their records when any changes occur to their relationship with yo organization (regardless of whether the lead has en manually added or it has come through via LeadDADI or Web to Lead.

To maintain a clean and efficient ead list within your system, we recommend regularly checking for duplicates.

Step 2 - Build a Relationship with Your Lead

Operate allows you to track the communication, create tasks or book tours for your lead, to facilitate cooperation and increase your chances of conversion.

Step 3 - Convert or Reject your Lead

The end result of your lead management process will either be a converted lead, which creates an Opportunity and an account; or a rejected/dead lead; which means that the lead will not turn into a potential customer.

Converted leads can still be viewed in the list views and still retain information so that it's possible to include converted leads in any lead reports you chose to run in the future.

In Operate , you can Convert your Leads into Accounts and (optionally) Opportunities. From Opportunities you have the ability to create a license and convert the prospect into a paying customer.

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