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Configuring Operate for New Locations

This guide explains how to set up Operate for newly added locations

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

When a new Location is added to your Operate database, a few more configurations are necessary in order for it to be correctly assigned to all of your clients and staff. This guide will take you through the necessary steps. 

1. Add Location Details 

Once essensys configures your Location, please ensure that the record contains the correct information provided by your Organization. Please read the article on Managing Locations, for further information.

2.  Check the Location Currency and Timezone

On the same Location record page, please take a look at the Currency and Timezone and make sure they are correct, according to the country where your building is located.

3. Check Invoice Prefixes

If you would like to use a separate Invoice/Credit Note Prefix for this Location, please select one on the Location record page. To learn more about setting up Prefixes, please see the Prefix setup guides for Invoices  and Credit Notes.

4. Verify the Assigned Client Types

If our team has already assigned Client Types to your Location, please check that the assignments are correct, If this has not yet been done, then please go through this guide to ensure Client Types are added to your Location. 

If you are also adding a new Legal Entity/Organization along with the new Location, then please make sure to check the Assigned Client Types on the Location record and make the necessary reassignments.

5. Set Up User Location Security

In order for your staff members to have access to the new Location, please ensure that their User profile has the building assigned under Location Security. Please see Editing User Profiles within Operate for more information. 

6. Make Products/Services Available to the New Location

If you would like for any of your existing products or services to also be set as available for the new building, please access the needed Product records and add the new Location to the Availability section. Please see Products in essensys Operate for further information. 

7.  Activate Your Location for the Portal

If you are using the Operate Portal as well, please access your Portal Settings and make sure that the Location is activated. This will ensure that customers at that Location will be able to access the Portal, as well as book space. For more information on the Portal Settings, please see Setting up Your Member Portal

8. Configure Deposits for the New Location

If your organization manages deposits differently, depending on your buildings, you can go to Settings > General > System > Operate Settings > Member Settings  

Here is where you can select your desired Location from the dropdown lost at the top. 

Next, configure your Location specific deposit settings as explained in Configuring Deposits / Retainers in essensys Operate

9. Configure Location Specific Settings 

Operate allows you to configure separate settings for each building you manage. All you have to do is go to Settings > General >  System > Operate Settings and select the Location you want to configure, using the dropdown list at the top of your screen. 

Configuring Operate System Settings Per Location explains this process in more detail.

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